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Single Sign-On

Magento 2 SSO - Single sign-on (SSO) is an authentication process that allows a user to access multiple applications with one set of login credentials. Similarly, Magento 2 SSO module streamlines local and remote application by providing simultaneous logins. Using this module, the user can enter the login credentials in the third-party application and be logged in to Magento 2 store simultaneously. This allows faster access to applications. The customers can use their existing credentials for logging into various third-party applications such as UVdesk. The user can use one set of credentials for various platforms and won’t have to remember multiple passwords for each login.


This plugin is powered with proper documentation to make your installation even more simple.

Doc explains all easy to go steps which are required for installation.

Admin Features

The admin can make his/her users log-in to other third-party applications by their Ma ..... The admin can make his/her users log-in to other third-party applications by their Magento credentials.
The admin can easily integrate multiple clients for client single sign-on login.
All the SSO integrations can be managed by the admin. The admin can add/view/edit/del ..... All the SSO integrations can be managed by the admin. The admin can add/view/edit/delete any integration.
The admin can integrate his/her UVdesk support portal with his/her Magento store.

Main Features

No need to remember multiple login access to your other portals like support portal b ..... No need to remember multiple login access to your other portals like support portal by the users.
The non-signed-in user will be signed in automatically on a third-party application.

Magento 2

Single Sign-On

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