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Using the Multi-Tenant Saas add-on the admin can allow customers to become tenants and sell their products on their personalized subdomain (store link). Once the customers register themselves as tenants, they need to purchase a membership plan. After buying the subscription they can add products and can manage categories for their products.
After acquiring the desired SaaS tenant subscription package, the vendors can become tenants. When a SaaS tenant's plan expires, the plan is automatically refreshed, and money is withdrawn from the tenant's account following the plan.
Use the following credentials For Tenant Login:
User: magentodemo
Password: Demo@123
Main Features
Admin can enable the Saas Module From Configuration.
It supports online Recurring Payments like Paypal and Stripe.
A user can register from the frontend as a tenant.
Admin can manage tenants.
Admin can manage membership plans.
Admin can view tenants’ subscribed plans.
Tenants can have their own subdomain(store link).
Tenants can Edit their profiles.
Tenants can purchase membership plans.
Tenants can view their subscribed plans.
Tenants can manage products for their stores.
Tenants can view sales and graphs on their dashboards.
Tenants can manage categories for their stores.
Tenants can manage catalog attributes for their stores.
Tenants can manage customers.
Tenants can manage sales orders of their stores.
Tenants can view the order invoices grid.
Tenants can view the order shipments grid.
Tenants can view the order credit memos grid.
Tenants can view the order transactions grid.
Tenants can refresh report statistics.
Tenants can create new reviews.
Tenants can manage the Reviews and Pending Reviews grid.
Customers can access tenants’ stores via tenants’ subdomain
Customers can do any action(add the product to the cart, process checkout, …)